I think at some point you have to simply ask if you can afford to run the EV. Gasoline infrastructure is well embedded with a distributed cost and fossil fuel subsidies. How would you account for all of that in your cost of fueling your transportation. We charge off our solar panels for 'free' except the cost of paying for the panels and charger🤷‍♀️

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I think there's the question of whether you can afford it. But of course we buy cars for a wide variety of reasons. The person who buys a Prius buys a car for a different reason than the person who buys a Porsche 911. And the costs of the two are very different! I think EVs are similar, you aren't simply buying transportation, you're buying a lifestyle/approach tot he world. I hope to go deeper into costs at some point, but I'm pretty sure, as you say, it will be hard to tease out all the embedded variables.

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I really enjoy reading your articles . We won’t ever own an EV maybe a hybrid but at our age I will just keep my Chrysler 300.

What would it cost you to have a electric charger station installed at your home? If you had to buy a electric battery for your car what would the cost be . Treva

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These are good questions Treva. I'm hoping I can get my charger installed for about $3000. But it's still up in the air! For most people it should be less than that. I just have to run 240v line over 100 feet! And there's lots of questions about the battery. But it would definitely be over 10K... maybe 12 or $13,000? I'll probably be writing about these before too long.

Thanks for reading!

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I enjoy the articles and I trust your comments and your evalution of the car

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